Sorinex Summer Strong 9 - Humility

Sorinex Summer Strong 9 - Humility


As I reflect back on yet another amazing Summer Strong, I can’t shake this word out of my head. You see, this word is paramount to how you view Summer Strong. If you don’t have it, then chances are you won’t like Summer Strong.  And, better yet, you probably shouldn’t even attend.  If you aren’t willing to put your ego aside to be taught or challenged, then save the money and don’t come.

For those who haven’t had the pleasure of attending one of the past nine Summer Strong events, then let me describe the landscape as you walk into the room.  Now, the names may change from year to year, but there’s never a shortage of extraordinary people in attendance. 

Elite Special Forces – SEAL, MARSOC, Delta Force, etc.
Wounded War Veterans
Strength Coaches of the Year
Business owners
Trainers of the Year
NFL coaches
NHL coaches
MLB coaches
Best-selling authors of the industry
Veterans of all branches
Grip legends
World’s Strongest Man finalist
Gold Medalist
National Level Olympic Weightlifters
Elite Level Powerlifters

You see, when you walk in a room and realize the magnitude of people there, it doesn’t take long for you to get your pride in check, if you hadn’t already. The amazing thing about Summer Strong is that while these individuals are far above your level, you wouldn’t know it. While they are so different than you, you are the same. What brings you together is a love for the Iron Game.

So, if you’re planning a trip out to Summer Strong 10 next year, then make sure you pack accordingly; belt, shoes, training gear, shaker bottle, pen, notepad … but leave your ego at home.


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